Specialty Alumni Paddle

Specialty Alumni Paddle

Regular price $0.00 Sale

Orders for the Alumni Paddle must be made through Fishell Paddles. 

Fishell Paddles and YMCA Camp Pine Crest have partnered to help send kids to camp!  Together we will be offering specialty Alumni paddles to camp Alumni.  A portion of each purchase will be donated to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, to help support sending kids to camp.

Use it as a paddle or hang it on a wall to commemorate your years at Pine Crest, Fishell Paddles makes a special keepsake of your time well spent. Visit Fishell Paddles website to place an order and learn more.

Fishell Paddles is a family owned company that took over for Ray Kettlewell after his retirement in 2014.  Greg Fishell has been trained in the art of paddle making and through Ray’s tutelage Fishell Paddles continues Ray’s tradition of providing the highest quality paddles. There is a long family history between Ray and the Fishell family, if you ever get the chance to talk with either Greg or Ray, they will happily tell you the story.

The Fishell family has over 75 years collectively attending Pine Crest as campers and staff. Pine Crest holds a special place in all their hearts and will always be a place for them to return too.  We at Fishell Paddles recognize the value and opportunities camps like Pine Crest offer young children, and we are happy to join Pine Crest in this venture.